Red Brigade Films series: Kathy Elkwoman Whitman

This short documentary in our STTLMNT series features Nueta-Hidatsa-Sahnish artist Kathy Elkwoman Whitman, filmed at her home in El Dorado, NM as she shelters in place. Elkwoman is STTLMNT concept artist Cannupa Hanska Luger’s mother and holds space in the project as the matriarch/elder to offer her knowledge and teaching while holding up reverence and respect for Indigenous resilience throughout generations. When asked about not being able to go to the UK for the project, Elkwoman reflects, “I feel like maybe the impact isn’t going to be as great, because our presence physically isn’t there… you know, to really have been able to show a better example of how to be, than the settlers were to us. Not being there we can only scratch the surface of building a more healthy relationship, as we intended. And with this project now online, I do hope that the Plymouth community will still take time to learn something deeper about Indigenous people.”


Autumn Chacon


Eric-Paul Riege